Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo 2015 Prop Makers National Championship

Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo 2015 Prop Makers National Championship
Up to the top 25 Prop Masters will have the opportunity to show off their props in the LIVE stage show during Comikaze’s first ever Prop Making National Championship on Sunday, November 1st, with special guest judges, trophies, and amazing prizes!
All props will be ON DISPLAY for all 3 days of Comikaze! All Comikaze attendees will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite prop. The prop with the most votes by the deadline Sunday morning will win the Fan Favorite award, and receive a trophy and other prizes during the LIVE stage show on Sunday, November 1st!
CostumeBiz had two entries into Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo 2015 Prop Makers National Championship, Bryn’s Steel Sword and Scabbard and Alisandra’s Dead Space 3 Plasma Cutter. The Prop competition was a great experience although we didn’t place we were honored that our props were accepted and enjoyed trading construction tips with the other participants.
Four prizes were awarded as follows:
Fan Favorite: Zenomorph Hunting Gun
3rd place: Suros Auto Rifle
2nd Place: How to Train your Dragon Hiccup’s Helmet
1st Place: Warcraft Golden Bow of Quel’Thalas
The winners..well what can I say.. let’s let the pictures do the talking! See images from the Prop Makers Competition below.