Skyrim’s Dovahkiin Steel Sword project

Skyrim’s Dovahkiin Steel Sword project:
With Comic-con 2013 fast approaching work on more Skyrim inspired accessories has begun. Del Nero Designs started work on the Skyrim Elders Scrolls Steel Sword. The Sword will be made so it can withstand a hard swing and mild contact. It will be made with a wooden blade complete with reinforced hardened tip and cast plastic handle wrapped with leather.
The start of the sculpting for the cast plastic handle can be seen in the images below and should allow this sword to stand up to rough Cosplay.
Update 2-12-13
Find Below Updated images of the Steel Swords sculpt in progress.
Update 2-19-13
Once the mold was made from the first half of the sword it is cast in plastic and placed on the second half of the sword. The sword now has a front and a back and the two can be smoothed together to complete the sword handle sculpt. See images below of the sword prepped and ready to make the final mold from.
Update 2-22-13
Progress report on the Skyrim Steel Sword project:
First proto assembled and ready for paint adjustments will be made to wooden blade so that it is more accurate to the original. Sculpt looks good and is not affected by the modifications to the blade. Sword is extremely durable and has passed several drop on the stone floor tests and heavy swing tests. See image below that is ready for paint.
Update 2-25-13
First Skyrim Steel Sword project has been completed I am very happy with the finished product with the exception of the shape of the blade which is being corrected. The cast plastic handle bonded perfectly to the wooden blade and feels great in your hand can’t wait to make the next one…check back in two weeks..
see images of my rough proto with finished paint below.
Update: 3-4-13
Prop test done on the Skyrim Steel Prop Sword handle held up beautifully with no separation of the plastic from the wood during rough contact. Sword was abused in the test being swung at a metal shield so naturally the wooden blade gave into contact yielding dents. So while our prop swords are very study and durable we do not recommend using them as weapons or trying to LARP with them. They are designed to be a hardy Cosplay prop and should last for years. See video of test below:
Update: 3-14-13
First Skyrim Steel Sword finished for sale.. Decided I don’t like working with wood as much as I do Leather and plastic..there’s a lot more prep and hand work to produce the paint finish I desire.
perhaps I should explore casting the whole thing in foam for LARP? For now I’ll stick with Plastic, leather and hardwood.. See finished product below:
- Skyrim Steel Sword prop
- Skyrim Steel Sword prop
Update: 1-21-14
Swords have been selling well see the latest feedback below: