Skyrim project Argonian

Skyrim Project Argonain:
While Del Nero Designs waits for a new shipment of silicone molding compound to finish the Banded Iron Shield mold, they have started the 2nd character from Skyrim an Argonian. Dovahkiin and the Argonian will do battle on stage at Comic Con this July so work continues at a hurried pace.
The rough sculpt of the Skyrim Project Argonian head has been started see images below. We chose the Argonian because Argonians make great Thieves!
Thieves are very fun characters to play, whether you are assassinating a target from the dark brotherhood by shooting someone in the head with on arrow or sneaking into an imperial watchtower to steal information, thieves (sometimes called rogues) get the job done. When starting out as a thief there are three races that are best:
Skills: +10 Lockpicking
+5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak These starting skills and the argonian’s hitskin (regenerate health faster for 60 seconds), resist disease (50%), and water breathing, they can easily jump in and out of a fight with ease. They are perfect for a defensive thief play style.
- Start of Argonian Sculpt