Skyrim Argonians

Skyrim Argonians Project:
Del Nero Designs has been working diligently on the Skyrim Project Argonian sculpt mask. Rough shape completed they are hand detailing all the scales and textures.
Skyrim Argonians are a reptilian race from Black Marsh. They can breathe under water indefinitely and have a natural resistance to disease. Argonians also have Histskin which lets them rapidly regenerate health (once a day).
They make a very good stealth-focused character. Also, their combined abilities are well-suited for exploration, as they have an easier time passing through water and locked doors than most.
50% resistance to disease
Infinite breath underwater
Skill Bonuses
Alteration: +5
Light Armor: +5
Lockpicking: +10
Restoration: +5
Pickpocket: +5
Sneak: +5
(Game stats contributed by IGN)
June 17th 2012 Update:
The Argonain Sculpt has been completed check out the images of the clay model ready to make a mold from below:
- Argonian Clay Sculpt