Issac Clarke Helmet Kit

Issac Clarke Helmet Kit
In the Dead Space series Isaac Clarke is a systems engineer working for the Concordance Extraction Corporation. Prior to the Second Aegis VII incident, he was part of an emergency response unit of the USG Kellion, sent to the USG Ishimura to investigate and handle the ship’s problems. Apparently the sole survivor of the incident, Isaac became stranded in space for a long period of time before he was rescued by an Earth Government ship. Three years after those events, Isaac was held in an asylum on Titan Station and was diagnosed with mental disorders, the most prominent being dementia that result in haunting illusions that taunt him throughout the game. In Dead Space 3, he still has the blueprint to destroy and create Markers. However, in the Awakening DLC, he witnesses the effects of dementia once again when he is exposed to one of the Brethren Moons.
The Artic Survival Suit:
The Arctic Survival Suit is a specialized RIG introduced in Dead Space 3 designed for extremely cold environments. The suit is acquired by Isaac, and subsequently by John Carver, after replacing his damaged suit.
The suit is a gray-ish beige color, with a collar fashioned to look like that of a snowsuit. The extremities of the suit are heavily padded to insulate heat from within for the wearer, though not enough to restrict movement. A cloth mask is strapped over the mouthpiece of the helmet; it is unknown what purpose this serves although it is likely for extra heat insulation. Woven with classified SCAF (Sovereign Colonies Armed Forces) synthetic fibers, it protects the wearer from the harsh climate of icy planets such as Tau Volantis. The fur-like synthetic fibers can be seen on the collar area of the suit. John Carver and Isaac Clarke have similar suit designs, the primary differences being the helmet and coloration.
The Helmet
Del Nero Designs has listed her Issac Clarke Helmet from Dead Space 3 in her Etsy Store.
The Helmet is offered Fully painted with Hyper bright LED’s installed or as a Kit unpainted.
The Kit includes Unpainted Helmet Casting completely trimmed, sanded and ready for paint. Installed hyper blue LED’s Fabric Covered foam pads, Sticky back Velcro, Black Pleated fabric and Gauze along with instructions on how to paint your own.
- Dead Space 3 Helmet other side
- Dead Space 3 Helmet front
- Dead Space 3 Helmet Side
- Dead Space 3 Helmet Backview2
- Dead Space 3 1st casting front
- Dead Space 3 1st casting side
- Dead Space 3 1st casting back
- Dead Space 3 1st casting