Eredin Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Costume Build

Eredin Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Costume Build
We are stepping up our game this year… Costuming game that is and taking on the challenge to make an authentic looking Eredin Cosplay. Let’s start with the back story on Eredin King of the Wild Hunt.
Origin of the Red Riders
During the Conjunction of the Spheres, part of the elves from the main world, later described as the Aen Seidhe world, left their kin and through portals came to a new world. They took the new world for their own and started to call themselves Aen Elle – the Alder folks. That world however was inhabited by two intelligent species – humans and unicorns. Elves started to wage war with both of them and eventually completely eradicated all the humans and their settlements.
For some time, everything was great for the elves and their civilization thrived. They built a beautiful palace known as Tir ná Lia that served as their capitol. After some time, the elves wanted servants or better yet, slaves. The only other sentient beings on their world were unicorns, who they constantly battled with, and unicorns were obviously not very well suited to be slaves. Around that time, the elves managed to force some of unicorns to open the Gate of the Worlds – Ard Gaeth, giving them access to all possible worlds to massacre as they pleased. Thus the elven king Auberon Muircetach ordered a creation of a cavalry unit with a single goal. They were tasked to invade alien worlds and capture young humanoids to serve as slaves. The cavalry was named Dearg Ruadhri which meant Red Riders – because of their red cloaks. The king appointed general Eredin Bréacc Glas as the leader of Red Riders for he was efficient and ruthless soldier with strong magical abilities.
Eredin, leader of the Red Riders
Thus the Red Riders started their invasions to other worlds. To intimidate the local people, they wore skeletal armor that made them look extremely threatening and they used exclusively black steeds. On some occasions, they also used a very long and powerful ship known as Naglfar, which is said to be able to float in sky. During their raids, they used a vision projections to appear more spectral. That is why people started to think that the group is made of wraiths and specters. However, after some time, Unicorns managed to take the Gate away from them and the elves lost their access to space time travel. They were only partially able to recover it in form of special mages known as the navigators. Their abilities to travel to different worlds were however severely limited as the navigators were only able to open portals for relatively small group of riders and thus they were able to secure only limited number of slaves. That is why in those times, riders started to use a different tactics. They enhanced their spectral projections to such a level, that they usually traveled only in the spectral form. In their true corporeal form, they raided only on some occasions when it was absolutely necessary. Yet even in their spectral form, they were still able to secure a decent number of slaves. Because their appearance to common people was so frightening and demonic, the Red Riders were given much more sinister name by humans – the Wild Hunt.
If you are lucky enough to live to the end of The Witcher 3! Your reward is a one-on-one fight with Eredin, king of the Wild Hunt and lord of nightmares. While not the biggest adversary in stature, he definitely hits the hardest. One wrong move on your part will result in Geralt of Rivia’s demise.
The Build:
In order to create an accurate cosplay of Eredin from the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt we are making a 3D model of him using Maya and Zbrush. The model will be used to make high quality prints of the individual armor plates and the helmet. From the prints we will create molds to cast the armor in urethane plastic where it can be easily worked and painted. The body armor will be comprised mostly of leather. Below you can see an image of the 3D model in progress.
- Witcher Series Eredin Model in progress
- Eredin Leg Armor in process
- Witcher Series Eredin Model front view in progress
- Witcher Series Eredin Model back view in progress
Update: March 10, 2018
3D printing has begun as well as leather work.
- Eredin Leather Armor
- Eredin Belt in work 3D printed master cast is urethane plastic.
- Eredin 3D printed Chest Spike
- Eredin’s Chest Spikes
- Eredin rough 3D printed Poleyn
- Working on Vector art for Eredins Brooch that will be used in the 3D model
Update August 2018
Eredin King of the Wild Hunt Costume
After months of hard work we have finished our Eredin King of the Wild Hunt Costume. The Costume is comprised of Leather Metal and plastic with approximately 200 3D printed/ cast urethane pieces. See images below of the final costume.
- Eredin King of the Wild Hunt
- Eredin Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
- Eredin Mask off
- Eredin Costume Back view