Custom Argonian Male Derkeethus Mask

Custom Argonian Male Derkeethus Mask
Just got done putting the finishing touches on a Custom order of a Argonian Male known in Skyrim as Derkeethus.
Derkeethus is an Argonian ranger and a miner of Darkwater Crossing in Eastmarch. Several residents of Darkwater Crossing may tell you he has gone missing before you find him in Darkwater Pass, being held captive by Falmer. Rescuing him will increase his disposition towards you.
Derkeethus can become your follower after rescue, as well as a potential candidate for marriage as well as the Blades. He is trained in One-handed and Light Armor and tends to dual-wield weapons when not using a bow. However, like Annekke, he equips a pickaxe as an offhand weapon, and will not properly dual wield like Jenassa.
He wears a set of miner’s clothes and a pair of boots, and is equipped with an iron dagger and a hunting bow supplemented by twelve steel arrows. He also carries some lower-class items and gold.
Only two people back in Darkwater Crossing will tell you that he is missing. Hrefna will tell you, “Derkeethus used to take me diving way down deep in the river. I miss him.” while Derkeethus’ friend, Sondas Drenim, has this to say about the crossing: “Those falls… dangerous place. Derkeethus thought he could find some good fish in the pools. Haven’t heard from him in a long while.”
If you manage to reach him, he will run up to you, so ask him who he is and he will answer, “Derkeethus, from Darkwater Crossing. Should have known better than to swim all the way to the falls. Please, get me out of here!” He will follow you until you get him out of the cave, when he will exclaim, “Thanks! I’m out!” as he heads home.
Once he is back in Darkwater Crossing, he will assume his normal schedule: he sleeps on a camp bed from midnight to 8am, and starts his day with a two-hour breakfast. He goes to work in the local mine until 7pm, when he spends the evening relaxing by the campfire.
The order was stared in November..I had to strip down my existing Male Argonian Sculpt removing the horns and replacing it with Curved Rams style horns. The project took 3 months to complete. See image of Male mold and finished images below.
Derkeethus Molds
- Green Male basic Rt sideview
- Male and Femael Argonian Masks in the build an Argonian Workshop
- Male and Female Argonian Masks in the build an Argonian Workshop
Finished derkeethus Mask
- Derkeethus Skyrim Argonian 1
- Derkeethus Skyrim Argonian 4
- Derkeethus Skyrim Argonian 6
- Derkeethus Skyrim Argonian 2
- Derkeethus Skyrim Argonian 3
- Derkeethus Skyrim Argonian 5