Custom Argonian Female Helmet

Custom Argonian Female Helmet
Del Nero Designs is busy with custom commission to produce a Female Argonian Helmet /Mask. Work has begun on modifying my Male version into a more feminine creature. The Males and Females are very similar and at the same time very different. The eye’s are different and the nose positioning is higher. The also wanted the curled style Ram like horns and feathers.
You can check out the images of the custom request and see my progress in the clay model I will use to make the mold. Once completed I will offer Female Argonian Helmets/ Masks for sale in my store.
Female Argonian Custom character images
- Custom Commission Argonian Female Mask
- Custom Commission Argonian Female Mask
Below images of the Female Argonian Sculpt in progress
- Female Argonian Mask Sculpt in clay side view
- Female Argonian Mask Sculpt in clay
- Female Argonian Mask Sculpt in clay top view
Update: Jan 5, 2015
Work on the Custom Female Argonian Helmet is almost completed. Need to clear coat the outside paint the mouth and install the feathers.
See images below:
- Argonian Female side2
- Argonian Female front
- Argonian Female side
- Argonian Female back
Update Jan 11, 2015
Female Argonian Helmet completed
- Finished Female Argonian
- Topview Female Argonian
- Rightside Female Argonian
- Backview Female Argonian