Comic-con Masquerade 2012

Comic-con Masquerade 2012
The Results are In!
The 38th annual Comic-Con Masquerade, sponsored by HBO, filled Ballroom 20 and most of the overflow rooms and Sails Pavilion, totaling a viewership of 7,000. It featured 35 entries, with a total of over 80 costumes crossing the stage. Our Masters of Ceremonies were artist/writers Phil and Kaja Foglio of Studio Foglio, and our panel of judges included film, TV, and theatrical costume designer Allison Leach, theme-park show designer and former Broadway performer Diane Duncan, costume and effect designer Dragon Dronet of Hollywood’s Renegade Effects, and as workmanship judge the very experienced convention costumer Jeanne Clason.
The winners were:
Best in Show: Project Runway All Star Wars — Worn By: Caitlin, Cassidy, Catherine, Chad, Connor, Cordelia, Danica, Daniel, Desiree, Laura, Nicole and Rogue. Designed and Made By: Audrey, Caitlin, Cassidy, Catherine, Chad, Connor, Cordelia, Danica, Daniel, Nicole and Rogue
Judges’ Choice: Party Rock Halo — Worn By: Jen King, Michael King, Francesca Kraemer, Veronica Golenia, Doug Fourtney, Jenniane Fourtney, Ethan Armenta-Davis. Designed and Made By: Jen King, Francesca Kraemer, Regine Dial, Veronica Golenia
Best Re-Creation: Nightmare — Worn By: Edgar Mayoral and Alejandra Estrella. Designed and Made By: Edgar Mayoral and Alejandra Estrella
Best Original Design: Fallen Angel — Worn By: Rebecca P. Davis. Designed and Made By: Rebecca P. Davis
Best Workmanship: Justice League VS. Lex Luthor — Worn By: Allan Lavigne, Grant West, Jenette Gomez, Stephanie Shatz. Designed and Made By: Allan Lavigne
Best Presentation: Scar — Worn By: Devon Jopling. Designed and Made By: Devon Jopling
Most Humorous: Adventure Time: Finn’s World — Worn By: Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts. Designed and Made By: Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Most Beautiful: Tier 5 Night Elf Rogue — Worn By: Jessica Al- Khalifah. Designed and Made By: Jessica Al-Khalifah
Best Young Fan — Battle for Skyrim — Worn By: Wesley Tarr and Lauren Tarr. Designed and Made By: Bryn Tarr and Lauren Tarr
After many long months of hard work Del Nero Designs completed and competed in the Comic-con 2012 Masquerade competition with their Skyrim Elders Scrolls characters Dovahkiin and an Argonian. There were so many excellent costumers there the competition was stiff but we prevailed wining “Best Young Fan” Check out the YouTube video below.
Check out images from Comic-con below:
Costume pieces will be listed shortly on Etsy and Ebay for those diehard Skyrim Cosplayers!
Winner list provided by