Comic Con 2011
Comic Con Family Survival Guide:
Part I:
As a lover of Comic book Costumes and Characters it was a natural progression for my family and I to attend Comic Con 2011. What I didn’t know was that my family was not going to cooperate! In a world of instant everything I could not get my family to stand in line for anything!.. OK I over exagerate.. I could get them to stand in line for food! Heck I didn’t know we’d have to sleep on the sidewalk and be the first in the building to get into the Twighlight panel…and what’s up with Harry Potter? Doomed to walk the floors in search of cool things to do and see we decided to check out the Sails Pavilion and scoop some cool autographs.. What? more endless lines! Ghost Adventures team was there and my daughter was going crazy! Zak Bagans! she chanted …I must meet Zak!..The line looked manageable so I said OK lets get an autograph..Well..the line I saw was only the first portion!! They evidently had a second continuation line that I was told was all ready too long and that half the people in that line would not get autographs! I was now wondering where I could get my Fastpass? You know that’s not a bad idea! How many thousands of people were stuck in line unable to empty their wallets on the convention room floors? The producers of Comic Con 2011 may have something to learn from Disneyland! To be continued..